Data Refinement 阅读笔记(1) Xiaoqiang Wu


  《Data Refinement: Model-oriented Proof Methods and their Comparison》本书对于形式化方法中的精化做了详细的数学推导,并对现有几种不同的形式化方法进行了对比。

Introduction to Data Refinement

Some definitions:

  • Refinement: The observations of the concrete program are contained in those of the corresponding abstract program.
  • Abstract data type: is defined by a set of operators and a set of axioms, typically given in the form of equations.

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In above definition 1.7, the important is normal variables $\vec {x}$ representation variables $\vec a$ and their value space $\Sigma^{\text{N}} = [\vec x \rightarrow \mathbb{V}]$, $\Sigma_{\text{A}} = [\vec a \rightarrow \mathbb{V}^{\text{A}}]$, respectively. The notion $\sigma$ is used to map specific variable to its value, like $\sigma(x) = \text{some value}$.